If you see a UFO
Observe Carefully - try and see as much detail as you can about
the object(s).
If you have a camera, take pictures. Try and remember what speeds
and type of film you're using. If you don't have a camera, try and
estimate the size of the shape (in comparison, for example, to a
quarter held at arms length.)
Make note of the time of day and the direction (and apparent
speed) of flight.
If others are with you, enquire (politely) if they see the object,
and their observations of it.
Write down your observations while they are still fresh in your
Contact MUFON to make a report! Here
is a copy of the form they'll use to document your sighting.
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NOTICE: For all reports, data, etc. submitted: Anonymity will be preserved where requested.
To submit UFO, Abduction, Crop Circle, or Cattle Mutilation reports for inclusion here,
, but please read "" first. Thanks.
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