Detailed Pease Crop Circle Report

Pease, MN Crop Circle Field Report

Formation Location: 1 mile north-west of Pease, MN, USA

Date Discovered: September 5, 1996 by farmer when driving by on a tall tractor

Date Sampled: October 2, 1996 (1st sampling); Many people had been walking into crop circle since it was discovered; Stalks complete with roots and ears; soil samples

Crop: Corn about 7 feet tall

Investigator's Name: Bob Schultz, New Brighton, MN

Prior History: A crop circle formation occurred 10 miles to the north-east on October 5, 1994 (See Pinelandia Lab Report 33). Several farmers I talked to said several small single crop circles had occurred in the area after October 5, 1994 and before this crop circle was discovered September 5, 1996. The farmers felt these circles were not significant and did not report them.

Magnetic Samples: Several drags with a strong magnetron magnet produced no significant amounts of magnetic material.

Electrostatic Meter: On October 11, Joe Osowski from MN MUFON took measurements and did not detect significant readings. He detected a strong reading under the single phase power line along the south side of the corn field.

Compass Reading: Compass readings were taken at waist level and ground level inside and outside the crop circle which produced no significant results.

Lodging: None was noticed, although the seven foot tall crop prevented viewing from ground level. None was noticed in the aerial photos taken from a kite.
Media Reports: Articles appeared in the Mille Lacs County Times on September 11th and in the Mille Lacs Messenger on October 30th.

I first heard of this crop circle from Nancy Talbott on September 20th. I called Kevin on September 23rd. Since it had been raining and the crop was wet, I could not sample right away. On October 2nd, Tex Ritter and I drove 50 miles north to the crop circle location. Over the phone and upon meeting Kevin, he did not appear too interested in crop circles and had other important work to do when we arrived. Tex and I took photos, compass readings, soil samples and did not detect any significant magnetic material. At noon, we drove into Milaca, MN and after lunch met with Jeffrey Hage at his Mille Lacs County Times office. That afternoon, Tex and I drove back to the field, borrowed a spade and dug up some 36 corn stalks. I gave both Kevin and Jeff copies of the BLT Introduction letter and discussed with them various lab reports and photos from BLT. The samples were taken home and dried on my garage floor before shipping to Dr. Levengood on October 7th. Soil samples were sent to Dr. Levengood on October 4th.

Casey Holt, Joe Osowski and Dave Glese took pictures and investigated the crop circle for MN MUFON on October 11th. Colleen Ziwicki of the Mille Lacs Messenger wrote a good in depth article about the crop circle. She interviewed Casey and me by phone on October 25th. I found her to be quite open minded on the paranormal. One of Casey's pictures shows an unidentified flying object above the crop circle.

NOTE: Dr. Leavengood has been very busy this year and last and hopes to publish his findings on the Pease crop circle in early Sept. There will be an article on the BLT crop circle investigation team in the Boston Globe on Sept. 7th which can be accessed over the internet.

Click here for Pease crop circle formation drawing.

Click here for Pease crop circle size diagram.

Click here for Pease crop circle sample location diagram

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